The critical and commercial success of my previous book: Guide to the EL34/6CA7, encouraged me to write this new Guide concerning the Beam Power Tetrodes.
Nobody certainly can deny the enormous importance of the beam tetrodes for the evolution and progress of transmitting and audio electronics devices. Therefore is clearly evident how much is useful an arrangement of this very huge material.
However, description and listing of all beam tetrode would been too long and difficult, so I limited my study to the audio beam tetrodes, omitting any exposition of the beam tetrodes used exclusively in transmitting equipments.
The beam tetrode, though theoretical invention of the English MOV, under the joint ownership of EMI and GEC, may be considered true achievement of American RCA which realized in 1936 its first practical utilisation, introducing the 6L6. This one tube obtained colossal success worldwide and stimulated the US and European makers to realize new better versions. So the English GEC/MOV, only a year later, introduced the KT66.
The American reply to the KT66 was very quick. RCA made new glass versions of the 6L6 and transmitting tubes like the 807, 6V6, 813. Western Electric in 1940’s introduced the 350A and later the 350B.
In 1955 the American Tung-Sol made the 6550, more powerful and stable than the KT66 and in 1957 GEC/MOV produced the KT88, with higher ratings than the Tung-Sol 6550.
The glorious history of the audio beam power tetrode reached the top in 1971, when the American GE introduced in the market the 6550A, having the same output power of the KT88 but lower plate and screen current.
Late versions of the 6550, KT88, 6550A, made in Europe, Russia and China, are generally considered technically and sonically inferior, although not always it is true.
I spent my efforts collecting and ordering the enormous material about these tubes. For each tube I reported physical characteristics, chronological evolution, versions, ratings and, when it was possible, the official datasheets. Over 300 color pictures enrich and elucidate the text. Besides many tables can help the reader to memorize information and main characteristics of every one.
Though I am Italian, I chosen English to reach as many people. I hope that the reader will want excuse my grammatical mistakes, considering my Guide an useful support for the knowledge and identification of this great tube family, without any literal claim. Any advise and criticism will be welcome.
March 2009
Pasquale Russo
| |
History of the beam power tetrode | 7 |
The tetrode | 9 |
The internal structure of a true screen grid tetrode | 9 |
The beam tetrode | 12 |
The pentode | 15 |
The harmonic and inter-modulation distortion | 17 |
Valve characteristic curves | 18 |
| |
6L6 by RCA | 24 |
6L6s by Others | 42 |
VT-115 | 45 |
1614 | 46 |
1622 | 52 |
6L6G | 55 |
6L6G branded by European makers | 60 |
6L6GX | 67 |
6L6GT | 68 |
6L6GTY | 69 |
VT-115A | 70 |
CV1286 | 72 |
CV1947 | 73 |
Notes about the CV codes | 75 |
6L6GA | 79 |
6L6GAY | 86 |
6L6WGA / 5932 | 87 |
6L6GB | 95 |
6L6WGB / 5881 | 113 |
5881, a new beam power tube by C.E. Atkins | 124 |
7581 | 133 |
6L6GC | 148 |
7581A | 163 |
350A | 175 |
350B | 176 |
6L6 Family: Ratings comparison | 187 |
Summary of the 6L6 Family | 190 |
Suffixes used in 6L6 Family | 193 |
Notes about US makers codes | 194 |
RCA date codes | 195 |
Tung-Sol date codes | 199 |
Sylvania date codes | 199 |
GE date codes | 201 |
Ken-Rad date codes | 205 |
| |
GEC story | 207 |
The early KT66 | 208 |
MOV/GEC KT66 1940-1950’s | 209 |
MOV/GEC KT66 1950’s | 210 |
Marconi KT66 | 211 |
MOV/GEC KT66 1960’s | 211 |
MOV/GEC KT66 1970-1980’s | 212 |
MOV / GEC factory codes | 238 |
MOV / GEC date codes | 239 |
CV1075 by GEC | 241 |
CV1075 by Cossor | 243 |
VT-75 | 244 |
| |
6550 by Tung-Sol | 245 |
– Black plate period | 246 |
| 247 |
| 247 |
| 248 |
– Solid grey plate period | 248 |
– Three hole-grey plate period | 249 |
6550 by Sylvania | 251 |
Notes about Tung-Sol 6550s | 253 |
| |
KT88 by GEC / MOV | 263 |
| 264 |
| 265 |
| 266 |
| 267 |
| 268 |
Notes about GEC codes | 269 |
Notes about GEC/MOV made in China | 270 |
CV5220 | 288 |
The getter mirror question in GEC/MOV KT88s | 289 |
| |
6550A by GE | 291 |
| 292 |
| 293 |
| 294 |
| 295 |
| |
Sylvania 6550A | 305 |
Sylvania 6550 (Coke Bottle) | 306 |
| 307 |
| |
KT88 by Tesla | 309 |
| 310 |
| 311 |
| 312 |
KR – AVVT – New Emission Labs KT88s | 313 |
KT88 by EAT | 313 |
KT88 by JJ | 314 |
KT88 by Sovtek | 315 |
KT88 by Svetlana | 316 |
KT88 by Svetlana winged “C” logo (SED) | 317 |
KT88 by Svetlana “S” logo (New Sensor) | 318 |
KT88 by Electro-Harmonics | 319 |
KT88s made in China | 320 |
KT88SC by Penta Labs | 320 |
Alphabetical Index | 322 |
References | 327 |
In the following pics you may see a short preview: